
What's Up!

Hey Y'all! This week has been good! It got cold though! No Fall! Just straight to winter. Although it is a bit tricky to figure out exactly how cold it is. Batesville-MS is something else. Way different from Arkansas. It took me a while to remember I wasn't in Arkansas anymore. I have been in Arkansas my whole mission. The members in the Group here are pretty neat. It is crazy how small it is. Everytime we tell someone about how the closest building are in senatobia and oxford. I think back when the church first started and how they were trying to get members and a group in the area. It has been a cool thought. So we had an awesome companion study yesterday. We were on a spiritual high for awhile, telling everyone that prophets and apostles on the earth today. We went tracking for an hour and fifteen minutes it felt like 30 mins. We found Mildred. To be honest I cannot remember what we talked to her about. But out of the blue she asked to have the Books in Sister Scott's

Transfers, General Conference and A Temple In Arkansas!

Hey Y'all! It has been a busy day of packing! We got transfer news and I am going to Batesville MS! With Sister Scott (my MTC companion). Sister Sadlier is going to Morrilton so not only do we have to pack we got to make it super clean for the Elders coming in. I just love General conference. It is such a great time to receive revelation. I studied this week about prophets, dispensations. I had a conformation while studying that, that God has called prophets today that will lead us towards the 2nd coming. I couldn't imagine not knowing anything about prophets or this church. I want to help people find this joy and satisfaction I feel from the church. I was so super excited that they Announced a temple in Bentonville! I could contain my Joy. I literally started crying. I knew that my contribution to missionary work helped Arkansas qualify for a temple. I am just super excited! We found Lora this week. We actually knock I'm her door about two months ago she told us she was


Hello! This week has been another Hot week again! I can't wait for the fall weather to come in. We met a lady named Clarissa this week. We walked up to her and asked if we could give her a card. She said she would take the card, but how she was going through a lot at the moment and didn't really want to talk to us. But when we handed her the card I felt inspired to teach her about Church and promise that it will help her with what she is going through. She was very interested after that. It was cool watching the broadcast for the new youth and children program and seeing how they are setting goals and trying to accomplish them. The whole time I was telling Sister Sadlier I wish I could do this. And she gently reminded that our President goals basically covers all the areas. I thought it was so neat how much goal setting, planning and achieving are all part of Gods plan and it is all over the church. Got to got to the Temple last Monday and Zone Conference the next day. Prob

Temple 🎉🎉

Hello y'all! This has been another great one. I can't remember everything that happen but I will try to give you a detailed run down. Monday: Went hiking in Petit Jean we hiked to a cave it was pretty great. The rest of the day we contacted people. Tuesday: We helped a member put some furniture together for the house she is remodeling. I have gotten pretty good at it. Wednesday: We taught a lesson with the Hermanas and I am so grateful that I have grown up in the church with a belief in God and Jesus Christ. It is a little hard to explain how I know that when the person we are teaching isn't accepting the answer we give. Karen sadly said that she didn't feel right reading the Book of Mormon and meeting with us. And has asked us to stop coming back. :( Saturday: The Sister training leaders came to our area for a blitz and it was pretty great. We had spaghetti in the park with a member. Then we also went to sports night and played soccer. I ended up hitting a couple

"She yeeted herself off the Mountain"

Hello All! This will be a short one this week. We lost time hiking with the District. We went back to the lady we helped with her yard, we knock on her door and her alarm system started going off. She came out and said she wasn't interested in what we had to say. As we were leaving a cop car pulls up. It was funny. We did have a lesson with Karen and when we walked in and she was watching a talk by President Monson and face to faces. It was crazy to go into and feel the spirit there already. I am pretty excited to work with her more. She is loving learning. She had a stroke a while ago so it is difficult for her to understand everything the first time but please pray for her that has she reads the Book of Mormon she understands. Last Sunday a new bishop was called and this Sunday he jumped up right at then end and invited the ward members to reach out to someone who might feel like the baby toe of the body of Christ. And to help them come back to church. It was really awesome to

Gone Like a Whirlwind

Hello! This week blew by so fast I have no clue how it is Monday. It has probably been one of the busiest weeks as well. I started with District Council and exchanges on Tuesday to President interviews on Wednesday and being stuck in a tour of the local library for 2 hours or more. Which led to me not biking for a full two days...crazy right! I am grateful for the Hermanas for being willing to take us places. Wednesday as I mentioned before getting stuck. We where with the Hermanas going around and finding opportunities to do service we tried the Salvation Army but we aren't so sure about that any more. The senior center no one was at the front desk so we stood awkwardly for awhile before we wrote a note and left. And headed to the Library and they were so excited to have us willing to serve. But a lady gave us a tour and we only went over 2 sections and it took two hour by then it was time for dinner and correlation. Thursday we got to serve a member! It was the best I am excit

Apparently I need to know Spanish

Hello Y'all! This week has been great! Don't ask me what made it great, I just decided that it was so it was. We found 2 new people this week when teaching Anthony. Anthony is a father of about 19 kids and 2 of his daughters sat in a lesson and participated. So that was pretty neat. We had a lesson with Bill. We have been teaching him for awhile and this has been the first time I actually met him. We didn't find anyone to come to the lesson with us so the Hermanas came with us. It was a great lesson. We had a lunch appointment with the most awesomest ladies. We will helping them set up fall decorations this Thursday so I'm pumped! We met a 100 year old member. She asked us 4 times how long we have been out and by then end of it she was able to answer the question for us. We walked her back to her room (she lives in a nursing home) As we walked she introduced us to everyone we saw. She is proud to be a member and she will tell anyone about it. After a dinner appoint